2022 年の MRO 業界予測と市場動向

Alton Aviation Consultancy マネージング ディレクターの Jonathan Berger は、スイスのジュネーブで開催された IATA の第 18 回年次維持費会議 (MCC) での講演に招待され、Alton 独自の 10 年間の世界の航空機および MRO 予測を発表し、航空および MRO 業界の主要なトレンドに関する洞察を共有しました。

2022 MRO ラテンアメリカ

Alton Aviation Consultancy マネージング ディレクターのジョナサン バーガー氏は、アビエーション ウィークの年次 MRO ラテンアメリカ会議のオープニング基調講演に招待され、主要な航空および MRO 業界のトレンドと、それがラテンアメリカ地域の競争力学に及ぼす影響についての洞察を共有しました。

エア ハブの未来: 変化する世界でも関連性を維持する

Air hubs have traditionally been a key component of regional and intercontinental air travel due to the success of hub-and-spoke airline models. Such models aim to consolidate demand, maximize flight offerings, and thus more seamlessly connect city pairs between which direct flights may not be technically or commercially viable. Connecting traffic was particularly devastated by COVID-19 as border restrictions greatly reduced international travel demand, and COVID-19 protocols drove more point-to-point travel and precluded air hubs from serving foreign connecting traffic. Most airlines drastically reduced service levels globally, thereby reducing the number of possible itineraries to the average traveler. This paper discusses the importance of air hubs in the past and… ????? Future of Air Hubs: Staying Relevant in a Changing World


Aviation Week のエンジン リース、トレーディング、ファイナンス アメリカ (ELTF) カンファレンスで、アルトン アビエーション コンサルタントのマネージング ディレクター、ジョン モウリー氏が航空業界とマクロ経済環境の評価を行いました。

高度な航空モビリティの台頭: 空港への影響

In the third of its series of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) white papers, Alton turns the spotlight on AAM ground infrastructure. In the report, Alton’s experts identify some of the similarities and differences in ground infrastructure required to support conventional aircraft and eVTOLs, examine the role vertiports play in cities of tomorrow, and explore how airports can define their future strategy to remain relevant for this form of future mobility.

高度な航空モビリティの台頭: 航空部門の資金調達への影響

Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) ホワイト ペーパー シリーズの 2 番目では、アルトン氏は航空機金融業界に焦点を当てています。民間航空では、航空機貸主は全航空機の約 50% を所有しています。しかし、AAM 分野においてこれほどの関心が寄せられたことはこれまでにありません。このホワイトペーパーでは、民間航空における航空機ファイナンス活動を推進する要因のいくつかを検討し、製造業者、貸し手、借手に対するいくつかの考慮事項も提供します。


Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) has been a hot topic in the aviation industry. Significant investments have been made as technology, societal trends and ESG goals converge to make AAM a reality. While the aircraft technology may be revolutionary, incorporating AAM into our aviation ecosystem will be more of an evolutionary process ? airports, airlines, and other aviation stakeholders will continue to operate within the existing aviation regulatory framework when that day happens. How does ?traditional? aviation position itself to support this vertical? What are some of the key considerations to be cognizant of? In a series of white papers, Alton Aviation Consultancy will dive into key aviation verticals of aircraft… ????? The Rise of Advanced Air Mobility

2021 年のパンデミック後の船舶および MRO の需要予測

Alton Aviation Consultancy has recently updated its global commercial air transport fleet and MRO demand forecast to reflect the postpandemic industry trends and dynamics. As a leading independent advisor to the aviation industry, Alton?s annual MRO forecast has become globally recognized as the commercial transaction advisory community?s most trusted data source.   Alton?s proprietary fleet and MRO demand forecast algorithms consist of numerous assumptions and projections to include passenger demand, aircraft retirements, used serviceable material (USM), engine shop visits and green-time usage, cabin upgrades and modifications, passenger-to-freighter (P2F) conversion, and annual OEM catalogue price escalation adjustments, amongst others.

低視程と持続的な乱気流: 民間航空と航空機リースの現状

Low Visibility and Persistent Turbulence.   The situation in the commercial aviation industry has continued to evolve with the ever-changing Covid-19 pandemic that has dominated life since early 2020. As of the writing of this report in late August 2021, it has become clear that historical trends have limited applicability to the nature of this ?black swan? event, and economic activity alone is but one driver of air traffic demand.   Covid-19 rippled travel and tourism worldwide, evaporating demand and stalling expectations of a full traffic rebound in the immediate future. Over the longer term, the economy market and aviation industries are still expected generally to revert to long term… ????? Low Visibility and Persistent Turbulence: The State of Commercial Aviation and Aircraft Leasing

航空機およびエンジンの資産担保証券化 (ABS) の概要

At a recent ISTAT Learning Lab session, Alton Aviation Consultancy managing director John Mowry, alongside Evan Wallach, President & CEO of Global AirFinance Services presented an introduction to aircraft and engine asset backed securitizations (ABS). The session was designed for those seeking a foundational understanding of the aircraft and engine ABS market including the key elements of how deals are structured, the risks/rewards for all deal participants, and a review of recent market activity.   In addition to the presentation available for download, the recorded webinar may be watched at the following link: Watch Recording.