
Pronóstico de la industria de MRO para 2022 y tendencias del mercado

El Director Gerente de Alton Aviation Consultancy, Jonathan Berger, fue invitado a hablar en la 18.ª Conferencia Anual de Costos de Mantenimiento (MCC) de IATA en Ginebra, Suiza, donde presentó el pronóstico de MRO y flota global a 10 años patentado por Alton y compartió sus ideas sobre las tendencias clave de la industria de MRO y aviación.

2022 MRO América Latina

El Director Gerente de Alton Aviation Consultancy, Jonathan Berger, fue invitado a brindar la presentación principal de apertura en la conferencia anual MRO de América Latina de Aviation Week, donde compartió sus puntos de vista sobre las principales tendencias de la industria de aviación y MRO y su impacto en la dinámica competitiva regional de América Latina.

Futuro de Air Hubs: mantenerse relevante en un mundo cambiante

Air hubs have traditionally been a key component of regional and intercontinental air travel due to the success of hub-and-spoke airline models. Such models aim to consolidate demand, maximize flight offerings, and thus more seamlessly connect city pairs between which direct flights may not be technically or commercially viable. Connecting traffic was particularly devastated by… Sigue leyendo Future of Air Hubs: Staying Relevant in a Changing World

Industria de la aviación y perspectivas macroeconómicas

En la conferencia Engine Leasing, Trading & Finance Americas (ELTF) de Aviation Week, el director general de Alton Aviation Consultancy, John Mowry, brindó una evaluación de la industria de la aviación y el entorno macroeconómico.

El auge de la movilidad aérea avanzada: implicaciones en los aeropuertos

In the third of its series of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) white papers, Alton turns the spotlight on AAM ground infrastructure. In the report, Alton’s experts identify some of the similarities and differences in ground infrastructure required to support conventional aircraft and eVTOLs, examine the role vertiports play in cities of tomorrow, and explore how… Sigue leyendo The Rise of Advanced Air Mobility: Implications on Airports

El auge de la movilidad aérea avanzada: implicaciones en la financiación del sector de la aviación

In the second of a series of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) white papers, Alton focuses the spotlight on the aircraft finance industry. In commercial aviation, aircraft lessors own approximately 50% of all aircraft; yet we have not heretofore seen a similar level of interest in the AAM space. This white paper will explore some of… Sigue leyendo The Rise of Advanced Air Mobility: Implications on Financing in the Aviation Sector

El auge de la movilidad aérea avanzada

Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) has been a hot topic in the aviation industry. Significant investments have been made as technology, societal trends and ESG goals converge to make AAM a reality. While the aircraft technology may be revolutionary, incorporating AAM into our aviation ecosystem will be more of an evolutionary process ? airports, airlines, and… Sigue leyendo The Rise of Advanced Air Mobility

Pronóstico de demanda de MRO y flota pospandémica para 2021

Alton Aviation Consultancy has recently updated its global commercial air transport fleet and MRO demand forecast to reflect the postpandemic industry trends and dynamics. As a leading independent advisor to the aviation industry, Alton?s annual MRO forecast has become globally recognized as the commercial transaction advisory community?s most trusted data source.   Alton?s proprietary fleet… Sigue leyendo 2021 Post-Pandemic Fleet & MRO Demand Forecast

Baja visibilidad y turbulencia persistente: el estado de la aviación comercial y el arrendamiento de aeronaves

Low Visibility and Persistent Turbulence.   The situation in the commercial aviation industry has continued to evolve with the ever-changing Covid-19 pandemic that has dominated life since early 2020. As of the writing of this report in late August 2021, it has become clear that historical trends have limited applicability to the nature of this… Sigue leyendo Low Visibility and Persistent Turbulence: The State of Commercial Aviation and Aircraft Leasing

Introducción a las titulizaciones respaldadas por activos (ABS) de aeronaves y motores

At a recent ISTAT Learning Lab session, Alton Aviation Consultancy managing director John Mowry, alongside Evan Wallach, President & CEO of Global AirFinance Services presented an introduction to aircraft and engine asset backed securitizations (ABS). The session was designed for those seeking a foundational understanding of the aircraft and engine ABS market including the key… Sigue leyendo Introduction to Aircraft and Engine Asset-Backed Securitizations (ABS)