



+1 646 979 9808 | [email protected]

Based in Alton?s New York office, Daniel has a decade of consulting, airline, and strategy experience. With Alton, he is working at the intersection of his passion for aviation, strategy, and finance.


Prior to joining Alton, Daniel held several positions at WestJet, responsible for advising investment decisions, providing strategic analysis across the airline, and developing key business cases and initiatives. Daniel has deep analytical experience including nearly four years providing advisory and consulting services with two of the Big Four accounting firms. Passionate about analysis supporting strategy, Daniel specializes in quantitative modeling, strategic evaluation, and mergers and acquisitions. Earlier in his career, Daniel held analytical positions in aviation and marine fuels marketing, pricing, and logistics in Canada.


ダニエルはウォータールー大学で経営科学の応用科学修士号を取得しています。また、ウォータールー大学で化学工学/管理科学の優等学位を取得し、応用科学の学士号も取得しています。ごく最近、ダニエルは公認財務アナリスト (CFA) の称号を取得し、現在は CFA 公認者です。