©2017 - 2022 Alton Aviation Consultancy LLC

Case Studies

New Technology Aircraft Program Product Positioning

Alton’s value to clients is derived from hundreds of years of industry and consulting experience. The selected case studies demonstrate some of our team’s capability.

New Technology Aircraft Program Product Positioning

Alton was retained by the management of a start-up aircraft manufacturer seeking to bring a novel-technology product to market. The company sought Alton’s advice on how to position the product, which markets to prioritize, and how best to enter those markets.

Our Approach

Alton’s team developed a bottom-up model of lifecycle ownership costs for the new aircraft, benchmarking those against the known and anticipated future set of competitors (as well as other substitute modes of transportation). The team then performed an exhaustive investigation into possible use cases, examining a wide range of civilian and parapublic use cases for the product. For each market opportunity Alton sized the addressable market and assessed willingness-to-pay.

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Successful Outcome

Alton’s collaboration with the client provided them with an actionable strategy to prioritize marketing resources and target potential client relationships in key market segments. The study also identified key targets for operating cost levels and other features and design parameters that have informed the development of the aircraft.