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Sustainability: The Aviation Industry’s Roadmap to a Greener Future Sustainability: The Aviation Industry’s Roadmap to a Greener Future

Alton Director Joshua Ng shares his insights on the air cargo industry’s roadmap to a sustainable future, in the latest edition of STAT Times.

“Some governments are stepping in to support aviation by linking Covid-19 relief funds with sustainable initiatives and impact. With the aviation industry under a strong spotlight as the world increasingly prioritizes environmental sustainability, the air freight sector too, must continue to invest in innovative green solutions.” Alton Director Joshua Ng shares his insights on the air cargo industry’s roadmap to a sustainable
future, in the latest [more]
https://www.stattimes.com/aviation/sustainability-the-aviation-industrys-roadmap-to-a-greener-future-1345562 https://www.stattimes.com/aviation/sustainability-the-aviation-industrys-roadmap-to-a-greener-future-
6/1/2022 6/1/2022