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More low-cost carriers add cargo services Sustainability: The Aviation Industry’s Roadmap to a Greener Future

Alton Managing Director Umang Gupta and Senior Associate Evan Deahl discuss the increasing number of low-cost carriers extending operations to include dedicated air cargo services with AviTrader Publications Corp.

As demand for air freight escalates, their insights highlight air cargo’s increasing importance to the growth of e-commerce. Alton Director Joshua Ng shares his insights on the air cargo industry’s roadmap to a sustainable
future, in the latest [more]
https://www.avitrader.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/AviTrader_Weekly_Headline_News_2022-05-23.pdf https://www.stattimes.com/aviation/sustainability-the-aviation-industrys-roadmap-to-a-greener-future-
5/23/2022 6/1/2022