2019 Airfinance Journal Dublin
Location: Dublin
Alton Team:
Brian Rynott of Alton Aviation Consultancy will be participating in a panel discussion at the 2019 Airfinance Journal Dublin conference. The event is being held at The Convention Centre Dublin from January 22nd to 24th.
The panel discussion entitled ‘Factoring airline credit risk when taking bulk orders of new technology aircraft’ will consider credit risk associated with smaller airlines placing large orders, and how that risk is managed by counterparties including OEMs and lessors.
With nearly two decades of airline and aviation experience, Brian Rynott has a broad, deep and unique understanding of both the airline and aviation industries. He has been a leader, manager and advisor across a number of organizations and involved in many high-stakes restructurings and strategy sessions across aircraft leasing, trading, finance, and more. Before joining Alton, Brian was the Chief Investment Officer of Intrepid Aviation, a commercial aircraft lessor. He led the company’s risk management, portfolio management, insurance, and asset strategy functions. Earlier in his career, he served as Vice President of Risk Management at AWAS, in their Dublin and New York offices. He began his career with American Airlines in a variety of revenue management roles before joining American Express’ Enterprise Risk Management and Airline Center of Excellence teams.
Alton Aviation Consultancy is a truly independent, global firm offering full coverage of the industry’s value chain and delivering the objective, data-driven guidance and insight required to inform clients’ business strategies, capital allocation, resources prioritization and risk management. Its clients include airlines, manufacturers, MRO and aftermarket service providers, lessors, and the broader financial and investment community with typical client engagements involving strategy and business plan development, operational performance improvement, and transaction support.