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2019 AACO/IATA Technical Forum

2019 AACO/IATA Technical Forum

Dates: 01 Oct 19 - 02 Oct 19
Alton Team:
Location: Kuwait

Location: Kuwait
Alton Team:

Alton Aviation Consultancy Senior Advisor Jeremy Remacha and Managing Director Sascha Feuerherd will moderate expert panels at the 2019 AACO/IATA Technical Forum.


Being held in Kuwait, the AACO/IATA Technical Forum will gather members from safety, security, operations, and engineering & maintenance domains with partners and stakeholders to discuss the potential of technological developments in enhancing airlines’ safety, security and operations.


The session entitled “Capacity Building: Strategies to overcome the shortage in licensed personnel” will be moderated by Sascha. This session will discuss in detail the growth of air transportation and the related need for skilled personnel in the Technical domain as well as for the Cockpit.


Jeremy will moderate the panel entitled “Parts Manufacturer Approvals – PMA parts & Designated Engineering Representative – DER repairs”. He will guide the panelists through open questions, development and pros and cons around PMA parts and DER repairs.


Sascha brings over 25 years of international experience in consulting and project management focusing on the aviation sector. He has successfully consulted airlines, airports, civil aviation authorities as well as aircraft manufacturers over nearly two decades. Sascha leads Alton Aviation Consultancy’s Airline practice.


Jeremy is a Senior Advisor at Alton Aviation Consultancy and brings over 30 years of executive level aviation experience to his client engagements. His expertise spans the aviation supply chain having served in key executive roles most recently to include CEO of SR Technics, one of the largest independent global MRO suppliers.


Alton Aviation Consultancy is a truly independent, global firm offering full coverage of the industry’s value chain and delivering the objective, data-driven guidance and insight required to inform clients’ business strategies, capital allocation, resources prioritization and risk management. Its clients include airlines, lessors and the broader investment community, manufacturers, MRO and aftermarket service providers.