©2017 - 2022 Alton Aviation Consultancy LLC

Case Studies

Analysis of Future Sustainability and Disruptive Trends in Aviation

Alton’s value to clients is derived from hundreds of years of industry and consulting experience. The selected case studies demonstrate some of our team’s capability.

Analysis of Future Sustainability and Disruptive Trends in Aviation

Alton was engaged by a leading global private equity firm to identify and assess key sustainability and technological trends set to impact the aviation industry over the coming decade.

Our Approach

Alton identified six technological and sustainability-related trends and assessed both their timing and magnitude of impact. Disruptive technologies and trends that were analyzed included:

  • eVTOL Technology
  • Aircraft Electrification
  • Sustainable Aviation Fuels
  • Non-Electric Alternative Fuels
  • Supersonic Programs
  • ESG Considerations

For each trend, Alton provided a thorough technical overview of the technology (e,g, aircraft electrification), adoption accelerators and challenges, as well as an analysis of potential market entrants and associated timing. Additionally, Alton identified potential ESG-related risks in aviation posed by governments, regulatory bodies, and the broader flying public that could impact certain aviation sectors.

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Successful Outcome

The client leveraged the analysis to assess the positioning of a target investment with respect to its ability to capitalize on, or mitigate risk from, each of the identified key trends.